Life is a beautiful rough road that is pain-stakingly wonderful. For me, it often feels like I'm taking two steps forward, and three steps back. And after that, I take two steps back and look at the unfolded events. I'm crazy, curious, artsy, thoughtful, anxiety-driven, emotionally overloaded, deadly sarcastic, and so many other adjectives. This blog is dedicated to life, music, art, my musings & thoughts, people, God, and everything else. So take two steps back & enjoy.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
My Messy Heart
My heart is tired and weary. My heart is full of fear and pride. My heart yearns to love and to sin. My heart judges and demands no judgement. My heart clings and pushes away. My heart is just a mess.
And my heart is incredibly hard to change.
I don't want my heart to be tired, I want it to jump for joy and run at full speed. I don't want my heart to have fear, I want it to feel confident in leaping over obstacles. I don't want to be prideful, but be able to walk humbly in life. I don't want to sin, or hurt people or judge them or push them away. I want to love them and to bring out the best in them.
And for some reason, I don't seem to be certain of anything. I think that stems for the tiredness and weakness. It makes you think, "Is this really right? Is this really what I wanted?" That questions has come up a few times this semester with my faith with God. After I have failed in so many areas, I look up with tears in my eyes and going, "Is this the life I chose? I don't know if I want this anymore. What if I step away? Will things get easier? It's so hard to follow you God."
It really isn't easy to follow God. People, even my own family, at times look at me like I'm crazy or odd. I've been accused of condemning people and looked at as foolish. I'm called to forgive where I want to be angry and bitter. I'm called to love when I'm tired and worn out. I try to encourage and push others in their walks with God, and they don't listen and just fall away. They say, "That's great for you Hannah, but I don't want to take it farther. I'm comfortable where I'm at." I get disappointed and my heart grows tired. People then continue to push me and I keep running, but I feel like I can barely breathe.
Yet, I keep running, and I turn to God and say, "You're worth it. No matter what happens, I will follow you. It may be hard, but that won't stop me. I'll keep going."
It is then though that I get attacked in other ways. A voice then comes in, "But you doubted! The other people don't doubt. They don't waver like you. How dare you waver?! You shouldn't call yourself a follower of God, let alone a leader. You better get your doctrine right and be unmovable before you go forward." It's hard for me to combat that lie. At first, I tend to often believe it, comparing myself to others and thinking, "They don't doubt like I do. Something must be wrong with me. I shouldn't call myself a Christian."
I once heard that "Guilt is from the devil, and conviction is from God." And what I was feeling there was guilt. Guilt that I couldn't be stronger in my faith in God. Guilt that I wavered even for a bit and actually considered not following God. Guilt often feels likes you're drowning in endless thoughts and doubts, and just can't get out. Conviction often moves you to do something about it and tends to come with a sense of peace.
I would feel guilt about all sorts of things. Horrible thoughts and feelings toward people. My lack of knowledge. My lack of motivation. My judgement on them and lack of love and understanding.
With that, I had to remember that Jesus died on the cross. At times, I don't fully understand it, and then there are times where I think I begin to understand what really happened that day.
You see, yes I will doubt and reach my limit. Yes, I will make mistakes. And yes, I may become unloveable at times. But on that day, Jesus not only defeated death and sin, he defeated guilt, he defeated fear, he defeated every law that defines a "good person". It's because of his death that I don't have to walk around with guilt or fear of how I screw up. There's a God so much bigger than me that is in control.
And the most amazing and crazy thing about this God is that He KNOWS how horrible we are. He knows our hearts better than anyone. I read Psalm 139 (one of my favorite psalms), which talks about how well God knows us and how He's with us all the time. He knows our weaknesses and strengths, our fears and hopes, our victories and losses, our good jokes and bad jokes. And yet, He says over and over again, "You are totally worth saving and I want to be with you for eternity."
It is then that a love that defeats EVERYTHING is born. When you realize someone loves you more than anyone could ever love you or you could ever love yourself, you want to spread that love to others. You don't want to condemn your unbelieving brother, but hug him. You don't want to yell at people and accuse them of their crimes, but whisper gently about a savior that came two thousands years ago and said, "You're forgiven". It's a love that will stand up for the oppressed and reach out to the unwanted. It's a love that will fast from food for a day so that someone else can have a meal. It's a love that will be yelled at and spit in the face as it tries to love you and speak truth to you. It's a love that will be whipped, beaten and bruised so that you can have hope. It's a love that will wear a crown of thorns and carry a cross up a hill to be humiliated so that you can stand before God and say, "I want to be with you". It's a love that dies and rises again so that you do not have to fear death and can have a hope for life. It's a love that takes EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER DONE and says "I will bear it all so that we can be together."
1 John 4:16 says "God is love" and then in verse 19 says "We love because he first loved us." I really love that verse in the Bible. Go read 1 John 4/
And this love is constantly waiting to be with us. Day in and day out, we turn our backs on it and walk away, yet he waits for us. God knows that we will doubt and fail in so many ways. In Hebrews 12 and James 1, it talks about how God disciplines us and works to perfect our faith. He stands by our side as we doubt and are tempted and hangs onto us. He will not let go for he is faithful. He is God.
That's where I need to start drawing my strength from. I will get beaten down and down again, doubt and fear, but there is something so much bigger than me that calls to me. I am a human and he is God. He is where I will rest and take refuge. He is where I will draw my worth and strength from and while it will get difficult, I have to trust that He will not let go. I'm in the palm of his hands my future is with him.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A View from A Creator
This urge to create things has spilled into cooking as well. Now, it's not like I never had a desire to cook. There were just no urges on my part and in the past few years, I didn't really have my own kitchen to use to cook. And even then, I was trying to save money on food and spend as little as possible. And with my busy college life, cooking a meal just never seemed to fit in. But now, I really desire to cook and to do it well. There's a couple of reasons for this.
One is that I really miss having family dinners and I enjoy people coming over and eating together. I wanted to be able to cook for people and have them come over and enjoy the food I made, or even we made together. I did it a few times over the summer and loved sitting around a table with good food and friends. It just warms my heart.
Second, I have many friends who love to cook and watching them and observing what they did, I finally decided to give it a shot myself. Over the summer, I watched my friend Kim cook here and there, my friend Adam and I have cooked together a few times, and I've often seen my friend Kara make all sorts of things and she inspires me to try tons of new recipes and points me in the right direction.
So with this inspiration and a desire to bring people together, I began cooking more and more on my own. Now, I'm no pro at all. Just dabbing here and there and reading all sorts of random recipes online, trying to figure out what to try to make. But as I was cooking a few nights ago, I realized how much I was enjoying myself. It wasn't an ecstatic "YES!", but more of a calming and soothing feeling as I cooked. My friend Maju was coming over for dinner and he cooks all the time, so I was hoping to please him with my cooking skills, and my sister was also coming home soon for dinner. For that full hour, I was absorbed in cooking the vegetables and rice and chicken, and setting up the table, and even making some hummus and cutting up apples. And at the very end, I was just happy that I was going to get to eat it and that I was using the ingredients in my own home. I was making something for me and it was going to be something I enjoyed. This is something that doesn't always happen that often. As an art major, a downside is that I'm always making things for everyone else, and not really for me or something that I'm even proud of. It's a hard dilemma I've come across lately.
Anyways, I just really enjoy being engulfed in a process of creation. From cooking to artwork, there's just something so exciting and often calming about the whole process. And it's especially awesome when you have complete freedom to do whatever you want in the process. You get to pour a piece of yourself into the work.
There was a brief instance the other day when I was working on a group project and had to draw a room we were designing. It started off as a basic, simple perspective drawing, but there was a moment where I sat back and looked at it. And an excitement that I hadn't experience in a while rose up. I was excited about this piece of work and looking forward to how it would turn out. I was happy and curious as I stared at my drawing, and I couldn't wait to see what it would turn out to be.
I often imagine this is just a tiny spec of how God felt when he began creating us. From the moment He began to imagine us in his mind, a sense of excitement and deep love began to grow. As someone who makes things all the time and puts a lot of time into pieces of art, I know the feeling of love and ownership one feels towards a piece of work quite well. The excitement you feel when you begin the piece, as you become engulfed in the process, and look at the finished piece, yet knowing that no art is ever quite perfect, but loving it all that much more. A piece of you is with that work. And to people who often look at art, you really do see the person's personality come out of the artwork.
I love creating and making things. Whether it's cooking, artwork, putting a bookshelf together, etc. There's jut something I love about being engulfed in a process and putting all of my mind and energy that leads to something completely new. This is one of the best ways I relate to God, the first and best artist and creator of them all. I can only begin to imagine the time and energy he spent on us and how much love he feels towards us.
To My Husband
Dear honey-bunches of oats,
I hope you have a good sense of humor, otherwise this marriage will be really hard. I didn't say "short" because I don't want to be married for a short while. I want to be married to you for as long as I live on this planet in this human form. I'm not here to get married over and over again, just once. And guess what? You're the lucky man. Yes, I said "lucky". Shut up, don't give me that look.
Anyways, here we go. I don't know your name, but I hope that I can love you well. I'm loving you right now, whoever you are, because I'm waiting for you. You're the only man I want to have sex with, you're the only man who I want to sleep next to, you're the only man who's face I want to see when the sun rises. You're the only man I want to have children with, the only man I want to talk with everyday, and the only man that I want to share a life with together and pursue God together. I want to pray with you, talk with you, laugh with you, and cry with you. I want to hold your hand and give you great big hugs. I want to read the Bible with you. I want to pray for you, as I'm praying right now for you and our kids. I want to go to church with you and be able to hold your hand as we worship God together.
I'm not that great of a cook, but I'll try. If you can cook, great. If not, well.... give me a little while longer as I begin to perfect my techniques. I hope I can cook you meals that you'll enjoy.
I really love dogs, so please don't be allergic. If you are, I'll deal going dogless. But you then have to watch all sad dog movies with me and put up with me as I rattle on about doggies.
Husband, you're going to get old, fat, and maybe even go bald. I will do my best to still love you to the best of my abilities despite all that. I'll call you handsome and say you're the best looking man to me. Can I also rub your bald head for good luck?
Husband, you're going to forget my birthday or an anniversary, and I'll do my best to forgive you. You'll forget to call or a promise you made, but I'll do my best to look past it and still love you.
Husband, there are going to be times where you lose your temper and I'll do my best to be patient with you and try to not take it personally. I will still love you.
Husband, we are definitely going to disagree on many things. We're probably going to fight or argue, but despite all that, I will still love you.
Husband, no matter what you do, I will do my best to support you. From being a garbage man to a politician, from a janitor to a rock star, from a hobo to a doctor, no matter what, I will love you.
(But I'll also do my best to call you out when you're being lazy and need to go do something too.)
Husband, you're going to get sick and may be cranky, but I will do my best to still love you and try and take care of you too.
Husband, there are times where you may have to go far away for work or other reasons, but no matter how far apart, I will still love you.
Husband, you might one day cheat on me, and while that will hurt a whole lot and I will be very angry and upset, I will do my best to still love you.
Husband, you're going to say and do stupid things. I will still love you. (I may laugh at you too. Just a warning)
Husband, I will do my best to love you, and I will do my best to love God even more than you.
And hunny, I will need God's help in our marriage. I can only love you so much. But I know with God, that His love will pour into me and hopefully will also reach you. In the many moments where I'll fail as a wife, I pray that God will step in and help my heart to love you even more, just like God loves the both of us. Love you even now.
Your wife,
Pft. It's weird saying "wife". I don't think I'm ready to say that for a long while.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Silly Art, Powerful Works
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I Gave Up Everything; Even My Garbage
I just felt like I had so many negative feelings inside of me, with worries and thoughts that constantly plagued me in every aspect of my life: from school and my job, to friends, and family. I was doubting whether I was doing well at my job, trying to figure out what I will do after the looming graduation date in May, attempting to make plans for my small group and other ministry activities, and my friends and family were all going through various things and my relationships with many people were changing. Peace just never seemed to enter into my soul and I couldn't figure out how to at least feel somewhat pleasant again.
It was over the weekend that God whacked me again with something I feel like He's been trying to teach me over and over again: His grace and mercy. I need to learn how to accept and live in His grace. I can see now that I was so busy on trying to fix myself and turn myself into this crazy perfect person. I wanted to fix all my anxiety, doubts, and worries, but also my lack of talent, knowledge, jokes, social skills, etc. in school, work, and friends. God was finally, "Don't you get it!! You can't fix those things by yourself! And besides! THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! I DON'T LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE PERFECT!! I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE YOU!!"
So I finally just pictured myself face to face with Jesus and lifted up a bag of garbage to him and said, "Take it. It's not mine anymore. It's yours." And he just smiled and said, "I will gladly take it". He took my anxiety and my lack of talent and knowledge; he took my doubts and worries; he took my loss of temper and my lack of patience; he took my lustful thoughts and selfish acts; he took all my garbage and put it behind him. It was this weird sense of letting go that I didn't think I would have had with all my negative aspects about myself. Part of me had wanted to hang onto them, to be in some kind of control of myself, so I could tell myself that I could make myself better. I also didn't want to present God with such dirt. I mean, really, who would want that? But God not only took it, but he wanted to take it. And while I knew the negative aspects of myself were still there within me, a strange peace accompanied them. Suddenly, it wasn't my sole responsibility to fix myself. It was God's job. I had to give up all my negative feelings and characteristics and hand them over to Him to be in charge.
It was there that I see God saying, "I don't expect you to be perfect. In fact, I know you won't be perfect. But where you are weak, I am strong and my power is made perfect in weakness". (2 Corinthians 12:10). I came across this tree over the weekend and felt like God said, "This is you", and at first, I hated that idea. The tree was falling over and was about to fall. I wanted to be the tall, strong, standing up-right tree behind it. But God said, "It's roots are strong and are holding it firm. It's almost parallel to the ground, but it still has its roots firmly in place. You are like this tree. You will waver over and over again, but I will be there, holding you up, even when it seems like you should have fallen already." Again, it's not my job to be perfect and I really don't trust myself in anything that I do. But God says that is OK and that he will be there to make up for my mistakes. In fact, he was already there when his son Jesus died on the cross for every mistake I have ever made, are making, and will make. This isn't saying that I can do whatever I want, but there are even aspects within myself that I can not change and must hand over to God and He will take care of it. God loves me for me and wants to help me. I just need to give control over myself to Him and say "You're in charge of who I will become. It's all you. The good and the bad belong to you." And Jesus just replied "Thank you. I love you."
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I think that we think too much
Monday, September 5, 2011
God is good. Oh crap.
- C.S. Lewis from The Grief Observed
Got whacked in the head with that quote. My fine friend Mr. Lewis brings up a great point. If I truly believe that God is good, how should I expect anything less than hard discipline and suffering? When a dentist cleans my mouth, it usually hurts and there is some blood. When a potter forms his clay, he has to force and push and pull the clay into the right form. And when we dig out and polish a gem, it usually takes much chiseling and strength to make it beautiful.
If I really believe God loves me and cares about me, then I'm going to see Him deny me many things and challenge me in many ways. It's similar to how my parents tell me "no" to desserts and ground me if I've done something wrong. It's also in the same way my parents give me chores and hard work to show me how to become an able adult and be humbled and appreciative about my surroundings. God will give me sufferings and trials in hopes of trying to form me into a better and more beautiful person than before.
It's because I know God is good that I also know things will not be easy.
Dang it.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Everything is out of control....
Then again, it normally is. In fact, in our normal and daily lives, whether we realize it or not, nothing is in our control.
Scary, isn't it?
The weather isn't in our control, the people around us aren't in our control, and heck, even our own hearts aren't in our control. Rain comes and goes, people come and go, and our own feelings arise and leave without our consent. And yet, it seems as a human race, we are constantly fighting this. We build houses to protect us from the weather; we read and write psychology books to try and figure each other out and especially ourselves. Just think about how many things we measure and analyze: most of us have our schedules planned out to the minute; the back of all the food packages have the nutrients, ingredients, and calories calculated out; and we place plants in places where they normally wouldn't grow.
Part of it is because we want to be more efficient and productive. We want to get the most out of life and make things as wonderful and perfect as possible. Why risk perfection when you can guarantee it?
But the thing you have to realize is, no matter how much you plan and prepare, you can't guarantee anything. You can't guarantee that your party will go according to plan, or that your husband/wife will stay with you, or that your house will still be standing there at the end of the day. Life happens, and it happens at you quickly and unexpectedly. You have to expect change and accept it.
I was thinking about all of this as I was reading Ezekiel in the Bible. Have you read Ezekiel? Man oh man, does that prophet go through some crappy and crazy stuff. After reading that, I seriously was like "I never want to be a prophet." It's insane what Ezekiel has to do and go through. In chapters 3 and 4, God pretty much makes him go mute and lay on his side for 390 days. He also has to eat food off of human poop. HUMAN POOP!! Ezekiel then points out to God "Oh, but I haven't eaten anything to defile me." And God replies "Good point. You can eat it off of cow poop instead of human poop." I mean, COME ON!! So I get the symbolism and that Jerusalem has been very bad, but still; poor Ezekiel.
So I continue reading Ezekiel and the recurring phrase is "Then they will know that I am the Lord". I feel like this is not only a continuous theme in Ezekiel, but throughout most of the Old Testament. God usually has to do very unexpected things, sometimes good and sometimes bad, to get people's attention and say "LOOK! I'm GOD. NOT YOU. You have no control. You are a HUMAN." And as I thought about this, I felt it to be a very true, but hard lesson.
One of the first lessons I learned before I ever became a Christian was how very little control and power I had over things. I saw how easily my own life could just slip away, and then began to see how easily the lives of my loved ones could disappear as well. I think this is something my family has begun to learn as the kids are moving out and the dynamics are changing. Anytime I come home now, all 5 of us do our best to be together and spend time with one another. We don't usually do anything fancy or super fun, just watch movies and have dinner together and talk with one another. We're all very loyal to one another and if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. So as time as gone on, we've come to really value our time together, soaking up each minute of it and not wasting a second.
It's funny because when I was younger, I think I planned on doing all sorts of traveling and living in different places. But as I've gotten older, I can't help but feel that maybe I'd ultimately like to stay close to family and have opportunities to visit with them often. We shall see what happens though. I really don't have that much control over it.
Another lesson I learned was how very little power I did have. I couldn't control my surroundings, the places or people. I wanted everyone to be happy, but people often get upset or hurt. I wanted circumstances to change, but my words or actions couldn't even make a dent. My own power was so limited and I felt like my life was just a mere whisper in the wind when I wanted it to be a tornado, or at least, some kind of shout.
While my limit of control and power over things seems disgruntling, it's also relieving and freeing. I have very little power, which means there isn't much pressure to understand everything and get everything right. I'm human and not a god. I'm especially not THE God. And thank goodness I am NOT God! I'd have to figure all sorts of things out, like how the sun will keep burning or how the earth will keep rotating or who goes to Heaven or how I'm going to get hair to grow out of people's heads. (Read Job. It will humble you!! Especially Job 34-40). That's a lot of pressure and involves a lot of heart ache too because people will reject me if they don't like what I have in store.
The good news is: I follow the one and only God. And the one thing I can count on in life is His presence. I can count on that He knows everything and has everything in control.
The next big question is though: Do I trust Him? Do I trust that He really loves me and wants the best for me? When I'm going through hard times, will I really believe that this is for the best? Because it is after that, that's when we can rejoice no matter what trials or events we go through, because we believe and know that God will take care of us. Do I really and truly trust and believe in Him?
Do you?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Laziness of Facebook
Thursday, July 7, 2011
To All My Male Friends (This one is for the guys)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Brokenness of a Female Heart
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Confessions of a Hannah Morris
Monday, June 13, 2011
Be the Best You
Oddly enough, this post was inspired from a conversation with some friends about finding that “one person” for you and whether there was even such a thing as “the one person”. I just sat there and thought as the conversation went on. Many people said they didn’t believe that there was such thing as “the one”, but I didn’t focus on that aspect of it. My thoughts eventually led me to a new way at looking at the question.
I thought about the wording of the phrase “finding the one for me”. It then hit me that the phrase itself sounded somewhat selfish. It was about finding that person for ME. Finding that person who “completes” ME. Finding that person who loves ME and makes ME happy and who is destined for ME. It was all about ME.
What if the words were switched around a bit? What if instead we said “I hope to find the one I am destined for”, or “I was made for someone” or “I hope to find that person I’m meant for.” Doesn’t that change the feel of it?
Some may argue that it still says the same thing, but to me, it sounds different. It’s not about how someone can love me or make me happy, but about how I can make someone else happy and love them. It’s not about me, but about someone else and enriching their life.
I left my friends for the night and went home and began talking with my roommate. She then said, “Well, you weren’t even just made for that one person, but for other people as well. Like Hannah, I was made for you. I was made for my parents. I was made for who ever else is out there that I meet. We were all made for each other.” And as my roommate spoke, I began to get this sense of wanting to be the best person I could be. I wanted to be the best Hannah I could be, and just be me. I wanted to go out and talk with people and offer them myself, the great grand gift that is me, with my quirks, faults and all. It made me glad to be unique and realize that there is only one me and I just need to be the best Hannah I can be. There’s no one else who can be me, and this is my special gift I can offer to people and I should offer it to them.
Here’s a story that my roommate also told me about 6 months ago. Since then, I’ve always remembered the story because I liked it so much. Here ya go:
“A story is told of a king who went to his garden one morning, only to find everything withered and dying. He asked the oak tree that stood near the gate what the trouble was. The oak said it was tired of life and determined to die because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine tree. The pine was troubled because it could not bear grapes like the grapevine. The grapevine was determined to throw its life away because it could not stand erect and produce fruit as large as peaches. The geranium was fretting because it was not tall and fragrant like the lilac.
And so it went throughout the garden. Yet coming to a violet, the king found its face as bright and happy as ever and said, “Well, violet, I’m glad to find one brave little flower in the midst of this discouragement. You don’t seem to be the least disheartened.” The violet responded, ”No, I’m not. I know I’m small, yet I thought if you wanted an oak or a pine or a peach tree or even a lilac, you would have planted one. Since I knew you wanted a violet, I’m determined to be the best little violet I can be.
Others may do a greater work,
But you have your part to do,
And no one in all God’s family
Can do it as well as you.”
-Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman
God wanted you on this planet. If He didn’t, He would have created someone else. So go be the best you that He made you to be. :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Love in All Relationships Pt. 2
Love in All Relationships Pt. 1
Friday, May 27, 2011
Lost in a Desert
Monday, May 9, 2011
A Parking Garage Visit
Parking garages are great.
To me, they’re like small (well I guess they aren’t that small) getaway places. Maybe it’s a short person thing, but I love reaching the top of high places and seeing a fantastic view. Granted, I am kind of scared of heights and do not like to climb. But I do love a fantastic view and seem to be more excited than most about them.
So, right now, I’m on top of a parking garage. It’s one of my old favorite spots that I have often gone to since I started college. Someone took me up here once about a month before I started college and I designated it as my spot ever since. I’ve cried here, watched the sunset here, prayed here, tried setting my architecture project on fire up here, and a lot more. A couple years have gone by and it feels kind of odd as I realize that I’ve had so many memories here. I can also pinpoint the spots where I’ve sat and cried, or my friends and I tried lighting my 1st and only semester architecture project on fire. I imagine the shadows of our presence moving about as I recreate the scene in my head. I can honestly say that I occupied that very spot 2 years ago for a brief moment in time. A moment so brief, that thousands of other people have also occupied that very spot as well. Our shadows just moving through time as we touch different places, different things, and different people, leaving a mark somewhere, on someone, mostly unseen and unknown.
Ha. Sorry. Parking garages can often put me in a deep, thoughtful mood I suppose. Who am I kidding? I’m always thinking and always pondering weird things. Anyways….
As I sit here on top, I look out upon the city with the wind blowing in my face. There are so many lights. There’s nothing quite like a night time view of the city. So many lights, many representing the presence of a human life. That would be kind of cool if that’s how we saw each other, don’t ya think? Just lights floating in a dark abyss. Maybe we are like that, just looking through the wrong eyes.
I kind of am amusing myself by writing my blog on top of the parking garage. I knew I just had to do it when I had the idea. I couldn’t pretend, but I literally had to go up to the top and sit and write, like I’m doing now. So many topics ran through my head, but now, all I can think about is how there are so many people in the world and each of us, just occupying this earth for just a brief instance. I was talking about immortality and the notion of forever with a few people the other day and we discussed how life has meaning and value because it ends. When you see a flower, you don’t know if that will be the last time you see it before it dies. The same with a person. When you see someone, you cherish them because you don’t know if you’ll get another moment like that again. You hang onto it and value it because it makes you happy.
With the semester drawing to a close, I’m excited for summer and the endless amounts of possibilities that await before me. Lately, I’ve been reminding myself to say ‘no’ and not be busy with all sort of nonsense. It’s so easy to do. I fill my schedule up with classes, volunteer stuff, and jobs. I have to fit eating and sleeping in there, which often get neglected. But really, being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be happy or have a better life. No. Sometimes, it’s the opposite. And while I feel like I tried that this semester, I feel like it’s something I have to keep reminding myself. I have to say “no”. Already, I caught myself looking at other summer internships and volunteering at a print studio, thinking about how the experience would be good. I finally closed my email and said, “No! I want a nice relaxing summer for once. For crying out loud, I want a nice relaxing week.”
I think that’s what I want to do this summer; keep it relaxed and full of things that I’m going to enjoy doing. Sure, I’m taking one summer course, but that leaves many of my nights open for fun. Many of my friends will be in town with me and I hope to have many dinners with them and make new friends. I want to keep going on adventures. A few days ago, I snuck into the pool area of a resort with 2 friends and we sat around the hot tub, discussing our years and all the lessons we learned. We then moved to sitting around the fire pit and staring up at the starry sky. I loved it so much. A fantastic, perfect evening. The next day, I hung out with a close friend and he and I found a great view of the city and sat and talked. We then went to visit some of his friends. It was me and 3 other people and I have to admit, I enjoyed our conversations greatly. We too, sat around a hot tub with our feet in the water, just talking and discussing life. The next day, I cooked dinner for my Bible Study and had a blast with all the people I had gotten to know throughout the year. I’ve really been blessed with so many people and even the privilege of meeting new people and making new friends. I want to continue to do so this and so much more.
This is the time where I have the most freedom. I am on my own and my schedule and time are all mine. I’m not seriously committed to anyone and my family is in a different city. I have friends to go on adventures with and enough resources to get me where I need to go. There are just so many possibilities to create a fun filled summer and I don't want to miss a beat.
Maybe you think I'm putting too much pressure on my summer. But like life, this summer, will eventually end, and I don't want to waste it. I really need to start applying this philosophy to every part of my life. And the thing is, by "not wasting it", means I also get to stop and do absolutely nothing. Live in the peace of just being and being present in the moment. Not rushing anywhere or feeling obligated to do anything. In that, I hope to find balance between being productive and resting.
Summer is here! Let's do this! :)