So.... I'm almost 23. And as most of you know, I will be embarking on the journey of the working adult fairly soon. (Well, more like the unemployed adult, but I'm hoping some of my job interviewers may still call back). Anyways, I found this article (sent to me by a friend) pretty helpful and comforting. Go here. It talks about things you should know at 25ish. Many things I had realized on my own, but it was still comforting to hear someone else say "Yeah... you're right. It's totally ok." Some of that stuff was:
1. Don't rush dating or marriage.
-When you have a bunch of friends starting to date or get married, it's kind of hard not to wonder, "So... when is it my turn?" But at the same time, I've found the peace to know I want to explore some things and not bring someone else into the mix. I want to give the proper time to myself and go on many adventures before I commit to someone. Not that I can't have adventures with someone else, but it is much easier to be on my own and to truly discover who I am.
2. Go to counseling.
-I totally agree with this. Many don't know, but I've started to go to counseling for my anxiety disorder. While I'm not sure if it's totally helping my anxiety, it's really helped me to take a deeper look at myself and my past and how it has shaped me into who I am today. And as I'm at the fork in the road to many different paths, it is helpful to stop and talk to someone about each path I could go on and how that makes me feel and affects me. Counseling isn't bad and doesn't mean you're crazy. It's really about understanding yourself and this crazy thing called life.
3. You have time to find a job you love.
-Ever feel rushed and like you have to figure everything out? I know I often feel like that. Especially when people keep on asking, "SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?" And I'm over here thinking, "I don't know! I'm only 22. Do YOU have everything figured out?" And their answer is often "no", not matter what age they are. So I love the fact that someone is saying, "Stop! And look around. Explore. Try new things out. Start over." I love exploring & trying new things out. And often, you don't have to consciously say "This is what I'm going to do! And it will be perfect." More often than not, it just kind of happens and you fall into it. Suddenly, you're happy to go to work everyday and aren't looking for a new job. You're enjoying yourself!
Try and talk to some people about what they went to college for and then what they did right after. My dad went to college for psychology, but wanted to be a drummer. So now, he's a professional drummer. A photography teacher went to grad school for English and decided he was sick of school, picked up a camera, and wanted to become a photographer. He didn't want to do commercial stuff, so he decided to teach. I have a friend who went to school for history, and she's a math teacher. My uncle went to school for physical education and history and wanted to be a PE teacher. Now he's a financially accountant/advisor and helps me handle some of my own finances.
Point is: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!! And that's OK. :)
4. Feed yourself & the people you love.
-I LOVE FOOD. I mean, who doesn't? I know I'm taking the time to actually teach myself to cook and create things. And I love sitting down at the table with friends and enjoying good conversation. Learn from others too. I'm lucky because I have many friends who love to cook and bake, so I'm soaking all sorts of knowledge from them.
When you get the chance. Read the rest of the article. It's a good one for sure.
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