Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here's the Beginning

I've got a voice. Then again, so do you and everyone else.

I'm not here to rant. I'm just here to question. Ponder everyday activities that go unnoticed and even question some of the huge issues: gays and lesbians, God, global warming, leadership, sex, and the list goes on. Ask me a question, and I'll do my best to research it and give you some food for thought. I don't promise answers. In fact, I'm not going to promise you anything. Sounds kind of pathetic of me, but something tells me I need to get my voice out. I want to be heard, but at the same time, learn more and more about the outside world. Here's my attempt at it, and you get to be a witness, and may even help.

So, let's do a toast. A toast to the beginning of this blog, and perhaps, even the beginning of a relationship between you and me, dear reader. Here's to us, to thoughts, to questions, and just to life.

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